5 reasons why face-to-face training will always be my favourite way to learn and train others written by Amy Williams XPERT Trainer.
Two heads are better than one ...... well actually maybe even slightly more than that! I would like to talk about the benefits of face-to-face training.
I have always had a huge passion for learning, but like many others I didn’t discover it until much later in life.
At school I was dyslexic and didn’t know this until later in life due to travelling as a child.
I think it’s one of the reasons why I became passionate about teaching and even more so about becoming an instructor trainer.
I quickly realised along my journey that everybody learns differently, and with face-to-face training everybody can benefit. Regardless of your learning style.

Tick all the different learning styles - If you’re a visual learner - amazing because you have a living, breathing 3D human to watch and interact with. Maybe you are more detail oriented and like to ask a lot of questions and by having a trainer right there in front of you, you can rapidly begin to understand the topics being covered and if you don’t - you get to ask until you do.
I ALWAYS remind students and instructors that I am teaching, that there is no such thing as a silly question. A good trainer should encourage you to ask as many questions as possible and if they know the answer, GREAT, and if they don’t, they will go and find out for you.
Face-to-face trainings also have atmosphere. You get to meet new people that have the same interests as you at heart. Not only by having more than just you and a teacher, it means we get a whole wealth of experience and knowledge to work with, observe and learn from. You get to see the moves, poses and postures on several different people, rather than just on you or someone on screen or in a textbook, where it can often be tricky to fully understand the true technique of something. This is very important if you are new to teaching as you only truly grow as an instructor when you begin teaching.
Although my very first pole course was different in comparison to what XPERT offer today, there is no way I would have had the confidence to start teaching without it. I love to ask questions so if I had tried to do an online course, life would have got in the way or technology would have failed me and I may have even given up on the whole idea.
I have participated in so many different courses, workshops, certification and seminars over the years, both online and face-to-face. and the ones I have in enjoyed the most are where I have had an instructor present right there in front of me - the great ones will inspire you and make you feel equally at ease but excited to learn.
For me there is no greater feeling than the abundant energy that is always present during face-to-face trainings. We are a hugely excitable passionate bunch of humans and we love to share.
At XPERT we create exciting learning environments where we can bounce off each other to help inspire you to become the greatest instructor you can be. Below are 5 reasons why FACE to FACE learning will always be my favourite:-
- Focused engaged learning - Most of us instructors and studio owners have VERY busy lives, and sometimes we can neglect our own professional development in order to help progress and nurture our students. There are just not enough hours in the day and so by booking face-to-face courses, it gives you specific dates and times to make yourself available and fully focused at the task in hand. With face-to-face training there is dedication and much more focus, being organised and prepared to focus on this one area, and with XPERT we have courses in most countries so you can go somewhere convenient and close to home. That being said, we have courses in some AMAZING locations all over the world - London, Oslo, Rome, you can book yourself on to your own mini learning retreat and get some personal growth at the same time! Find a Course
- Networking - At face-to-face trainings you are put in a room with likeminded people who share similar goals and passions. You may meet a studio owner, meet a pole idol that you didn’t know about, or find a new training buddy. Sometimes you meet people so like you it’s nice to know you’re not the only one. Every course I teach I see a huge amount of networking and peer level bonding occurring. Often those students keep in contact and you see it grow into wonderful things – you’ve got to love social media!
- Atmosphere - You get to meet new people that have the same interests as you at heart. Not only that, but by having more than just you and a teacher on screen, it means we get a whole wealth of experience and humans to work with, observe and learn from. You get to see the moves, poses and postures on several different people, rather than just on you or someone on screen or in a textbook, where it can often be tricky to fully understand the true techniques. This is something that is so important if you are new to teaching as you only truly grow as an instructor when you begin teaching.
- Interactive - I ALWAYS remind students and instructors that I am teaching and that they should ask questions. A good trainer should encourage you to ask as many questions as possible. Also, you get to try things first hand, making sure you are executing the correct techniques and visual cue for your students. The interactive nature of XPERT courses also help to solidify your learning, as you are more likely to remember something you have experienced with all your senses rather than just observing from the side lines.
- Value - Yep face-to-face trainings are amazing value even though they may often be more expensive, but with XPERT you get the dedicated training dates, online resources which include videos of all the moves we teach you in person, plus all the other things such as manuals, as well as your assessment and feedback in person.
So basically, you get the best of everything, face-to-face, online and written resources, and you can call me biased, but all this is delivered by some of the industry’s best instructors, aerialist and pole dancers.